Monica K Evason


The TEI mission

Building social and emotional competencies to create a supportive and inclusive school community through respect, solidarity and empathy.

Life as a Mindset Mentor

COVID-19 gives us an opportunity to work out what really matters to us in life. I have made more of a difference in these 5 weeks than I have in the 9 years since I started working in the Patient Engagement world. I didn’t think I had anything to say worth sharing. Now I do.

The CRAP board

C.R.A.P. stands for Conflicts, Resistances, Anxieties, Procrastination. The C.R.A.P. board is a seemingly simple, yet powerful and meaningful strategy to stop the brain from ruminating on problems, fears, and weaknesses so we can move on and be at our personal best. Don’t be put off by the name. There’s neuro science behind it!

The Key To Mental Wellness

To be at our own personal best we need to recognise what makes us tick. An important part of that is discovering, accepting and embracing who we are. That’s easier said than done because part of our brain instinctively resists change. It’s easier to stick with old thoughts and habits. Even if they are holding us back.

Adjusting to the new normal

When life gives you lemons….make lemonade. That’s been a great motto to help me through big changes in my life.

Making a vision board

There comes a point when you decide you can’t keep dwelling on the past…. On the “what might have beens” or the “what ifs”When you hit that moment, when you realise that you can’t do anything about the past but that you can do something to make your future brighter, it’s time to make a Vision Board.